Content Marketing with Branded Content

Popularity of content marketing and branded content are on the rise and the iPad may play part in this equation

As the end of 2010 comes nearer, let’s take a look back on how the online publishing industry changed throughout the past year.

One big addition to the industry was the iPad. Released in April 2010, the tablet device created by Apple intrigued an array of content producers and publishers as it sold three million copies within the first 80 days.

With the rumored release of Mac’s iOS 4.3, the device may officially become as valuable as expected for the online publishing industry as a recurring subscription model is speculated to be included within the operating system.

The media-rich capabilities found on the iPad enhance the possibilities of what branded content marketing can become for our industry.

Branded content marketing

The iPad’s potential enhancement for content marketing going forward isn’t the only thing happening in the industry.

In a similar vein as the iPad, branded content – which can be considered as the media-rich content used in some forms of content marketing – has grown in popularity.

Folio Magazine reported last week that spending on branded content and custom publishing is nearly 100 percent over spending levels from 2008.

The study, conducted by the Custom Content Council in conjunction with the newsletter ContentWise, said that each company surveyed is spending $1.3 million on average on branded content. They also reported increasing their spending.

The findings were compiled via online and mailed surveys that targeted a sample of marketers across all industries.

A total of 68 percent of companies mentioned shifting from traditional methods of marketing to newer models such as content marketing, branded content, custom media and custom publishing.

Additionally, 66 percent of marketers believe branded content is better than direct mail and 63 percent prefer it above public relations.

As many engaging in content marketing already know, the primary reason 54 percent of those surveyed support branded content is because it educates customers. This was followed by 23 percent who sited customer retention as an important aspect of using branded content.

One final interesting statistic from the survey was the spending between print and electronic promotion. Print still represents a big part of total spending at 43 percent of budgets, while electronic gets 35 percent and “other” accounted for 12 percent.

It will be interesting to see how these percentages hold up in the future. With the way Internet marketing has been going, it wouldn’t be surprising to see spending on electronic marketing beat out print during the year 2011.


How branded content, the iPad and content marketing relate to one another

There is an interesting relationship between branded content, content marketing and the iPad.

Branded content is the culmination of advertising and entertainment, which can include a mix of high-quality video, audio and/or interactive content. It is used to create brand loyalty and develop strong relationships with consumers.

Content marketing can involve the process of using branded content to grow audiences. There are a number of different strategies used to actually promote via branded content.

Finally, the iPad is a medium that can be used for content marketing with branded content. It’s ability to play music, video content, and games while being interactive can interest and intrigue users.

Expectations are high for content marketing and branded content going forward since the Internet and technological devices are affording more opportunities for marketers and consumers alike. Will content marketing become the most valued form of Internet marketing? I’d love to hear your opinions.

For more on content marketing, we are offering one final Content Marketing 2010 Seminar in Boston on December 16. Register now to familiarize yourself with the most up-to-date information on content marketing.


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