2006 Resolution: Test Long Copy to Increase Landing Page Conversion Rate

After years of using light copy landing pages to sell subscriptions, one health newsletter publisher increases his landing page conversion rate by 31 percent with a long copy sales letter landing page.

Executive Summary

  • A well-done long copy landing page will beat short copy four out of five times.
  • When you increase landing page conversion rates, the increase in response rate may also allow you to expand your new subscriber acquisition programs.
  • Great sales letter landing page copy also makes great sales letter email copy.

I love getting emails like this:

Dear Don:Just wanted to let you know that the landing page you and your team created for me increased our landing page conversion rate by 31 percent for our PPC (pay-per-click) program. As you know, I was not convinced that your approach would work with our newsletter, but decided to test it after reading review after review in your Creating Landing Pages That Sell about the power of long copy.

I thought you’d also like to know that we’ve leveraged the increase in landing page conversion rates to more than double the number of PPC orders we generated last month. The higher conversion rate allows us to bid to a higher position and to expand the number of keywords that we can buy.

Thanks again,

John Jakes
Editor & Publisher
Health Secrets of the Rich & Famous

If you’ve still got a short copy landing page for your newsletter, book or magazine, maybe 2006 is the time to test a long copy sales letter to increase your landing page conversion rates.

Bonus: A long copy sales letter landing page can easily be adapted to create an outbound email that can be mailed to your house file, email newsletter subscribers and email partner lists to generate more revenue on the same creative.


Editor’s Note
Over the next 12 weeks we’ll be adding a chapter a week to the Creating Landing Pages That Sell Best Practices Section to expand on the 12 Mequoda Landing Page Scorecard Guidelines we introduced last summer. A note of thanks to Mequoda Editor-At-Large Peter A. Schaible, my writing partner on these 12 chapters, and to Peter, Bob Bly, John Clausen and Peter J. Fogel who have contributed 25 in-depth Mequoda Landing Page Reviews over the past six months to make the book a reality.

Note: The details of the case have been modified to protect the identity of the publisher and program. If you’ve got a case study you’d like to share, send me an email. Your privacy is my top concern.


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